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What do I do if a form in my International Experience Canada application is marked “In progress”?

Follow these steps:

  1. Go into the form that is still “In progress”.
  2. Scroll down the page and click the “Validate” button. You will see an error message next to any fields where you are missing information or have made a mistake.
  3. Fill in the missing information or correct your mistakes.
  4. Scroll down the page and click the “Validate” button again.
  5. If everything is complete and correct, click “Save and exit”.

If you get an error in the “Personal details” form of your work permit application, open the ID documents section and follow these steps.

  1. Check the passport table to see if the “Primary passport” column is blank.

  2. If it is blank and this is the passport you plan to use when you come to Canada, click the “Make this my primary passport” button.
  3. Click “Save and add”. Your passport will now be marked as your primary passport.

  4. Scroll down the page and click the “Validate” button again.
  5. If everything is complete, click “Save and exit”. All forms should now be marked “Complete”.

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