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How can I include a dependent child on my application?

Before you include a dependent child on your application, use our online tool to make sure they qualify. If they do, you will see specific instructions on how to include them on your application or send us a request to add your dependant to your existing application.

To include your child on your application

Follow the instructions in your application guide to properly fill out the forms and submit the correct fees for your dependant.

To add your child to an existing application

You must send us a request to add your child. When we receive your request, we will tell you, by mail or email, what documents you need to submit. For example, you may need to send us:

  • new forms – we’ll tell you which ones to fill out
  • proof of payment for your dependant
  • supporting documents such as proof of income, a birth certificate, a medical or police certificate

To reduce delays, please send us the information we need to process your dependent child as soon as possible.

We may refuse your application if your child is inadmissible to Canada.

You can’t add a child to your application if we finished processing your application and you have already become a permanent resident.

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