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I received an email with a link asking me to provide my banking information. Is it a scam?

A web form has been developed to securely collect banking information from clients and suppliers receiving payments or refunds from IRCC. The link to this web form is emailed to the address we have on file. For security reasons, this link is generated only for you and expires after 10 business days.

To avoid email scams, remember that IRCC never:

  • asks for credit card information to issue payments or refunds by email.
    • The Government of Canada offers electronic funds transfer (direct deposit or wire transfer).

The email you received might be a scam or a phishing scheme if:

  • you did not expect the email.
  • the email uses a standard greeting such as “Dear customer/client” instead of your real name.
  • you are told that your quick action is required to prevent negative consequences such as your application being cancelled or your account suspended.
  • the email promotes a special immigration or citizenship offer that sounds too good to be true.
  • the links in the email claim to bring you to a secure site, yet you are redirected to a commercial or fake site that is not IRCC’s site or a Government of Canada website.
  • it contains an attachment that you did not request.
  • the message is an image instead of text.

Common IRCC email practices

  • The email is usually from a do not reply account.
  • In the case of the web form used to collect banking information, the email is from an address ending with
  • Reply instructions are included in the email.
    • For example, if you are asked to submit additional documents, you will be instructed not to reply to the email. Instead, you will have to follow the instructions included in the email to submit the requested documents.

If you received a suspicious email, do not reply to it. You can also report the incident to:

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