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I am a live-in caregiver. What happens if I lose my job?

If you lose your job, you should find a new employer under the Live-in Caregiver Program as soon as possible. However, you may be eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits while you look for another job. If so, EI will provide you with benefits if you lose your job through no fault of your own. The number of hours you must work before you qualify for EI will depend on the unemployment rate in your region when you file a claim for benefits.

You may also be eligible for EI benefits that are provided at certain times when you are unable to work. This includes sickness, maternity, parental and compassionate care benefits.

While you are working, your employer deducts EI premiums from your wages. The amount deducted depends on how much you earn. Your employer sends your EI premiums to the government.

For more information, contact the Service Canada office nearest you.

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