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Can I count student work experience toward the Express Entry work requirement?

It depends on where you were working and studying.

To be eligible for Express Entry, you must meet the minimum requirements for 1 or more Express Entry programs. This includes the work experience requirement.

Using student work experience for minimum requirements

Federal Skilled Worker Program

Student work experience gained while you were studying in Canada or abroad counts towards the minimum requirements for the Federal Skilled Worker Program if the work:

This includes co-op terms and apprenticeships.

Canadian Experience Class and Federal Skilled Trades Program

Student work experience doesn’t count towards the minimum requirements for the Canadian Experience Class or Federal Skilled Trades Program.

How student work experience affects your profile ranking

Canadian work experience gained while you were a full-time student doesn’t count towards the score used to rank your profile.

The work experience gained as a full-time student outside Canada counts towards the score used to rank your profile.

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  • Come to Canada

Express Entry

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