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Some fields in my Express Entry profile are greyed out and I can’t change them. How do I update them?

This is an example of greyed out fields in your Express Entry profile:

Image of greyed-out fields in the form

In some places, the fields will be coloured gray, and you will not be able to update them. (A red circle with a diagonal line will also appear when you mouse over the field.) This is because the information was brought forward from the first tool (Come to Canada) you completed. To update them, you will have to update them in the previous step. To do this:

  1. From the “Express Entry Profile” page:
  2. Click on the “Modify Family Information” button at the top of the page:
    Image of "Modify Family Information" button, as described above.
  3. Change the fields as needed.
  4. Click the “Update Information” button to save any changes:
    Image of "Update Information" button, as described above.

Note: Clicking the “Update Information” button will also bring you to the next section if the change you want to make is not in the first screen.

On the following screens:

Image of three buttons described below

You have a few options. You can click:

  1. the “Next” button to save your answers and go back to the “Express Entry Profile” page,
  2. the “Save and exit questionnaire” button to return to the main page of your account, or
  3. the “Modify my Answers” button to see all the eligibility questions.

Click the “pencil” button to access the fields related to that question.

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