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Can I help a friend or family member apply for an eTA?

Yes, you may help a friend or family member apply for an eTA. You will need to indicate at the start of the form that you are completing the form for your friend or family member.

When you start the application form:

  • Answer “yes” to “Are you applying on behalf of someone?”
  • If your friend or family member is less than 18 years old, answer “yes” to “Are you applying on behalf of a minor child?”
    • You will then see a screen called Parent/guardian or representative details that asks for some information about yourself.
    • Once you complete that section, you will be brought to the application form itself, where you can enter your friend or family member’s information.
  • On the next screen (the application form), make sure to:
    • enter all details correctly (particularly your friend or family member’s passport number); and
    • enter your friend’s email address in the Contact Details section so that we can communicate directly with them about their application.
    • enter your friend or family member’s name in the Signature field of the Consent section.

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