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Who is eligible for two-week work permit processing?

Processing delays for GSS applications

Processing times for GSS applications continue to be affected by

  • the number of applications we’ve already received
  • an increase in applications as health and travel restrictions lift in Canada and around the world

It will probably take more than 2 weeks to process your GSS application. We’re continuing to recover so we can return to 2-week processing.

The Global Skills Strategy (GSS) can help you get to work in Canada faster by offering two-week processing times on eligible work permit applications.

To be eligible, you must be applying online from outside Canada in one of these situations:

Situation one

Your employer has a positive Global Talent Stream (GTS) (Category A or B) Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) for your position.

In this situation, you must tell us you are applying using a GTS LMIA when you complete your eligibility check. Otherwise, we won’t recognize you as a GSS applicant.

Situation two


Some employers don’t need to submit an offer of employment or pay the employer compliance fee. Find out how to get a work permit for these jobs.

Find out how to apply for two-week processing if you are eligible.

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