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My co-op work permit says “not authorized to work for any employer other than stated”. What does it mean?

As a co-op student, your co-op work permit might say:

  • you’re “not authorized to work for any employer other than stated”
  • your school is your employer

This is to identify you as a co-op student. It means you can work for any employer that’s accepted by your school’s co-op program.

If your employer doesn’t understand this condition

If the condition on your work permit is causing problems for you with your employer, you may apply to remove the condition.

To do this, you must apply for a new work permit.

Include a letter explaining why you need the condition removed from your work permit (that is, it’s causing problems with your employer) with your application.

There is no fee for this.

If you change schools

If you change schools and stay in a co-op program, you must apply for a new work permit. This means your new co-op work permit will say your new school is your employer.

You won’t need to pay another application fee to change your co-op work permit conditions or for the new co-op work permit.

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