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How do I update my citizenship certificate or card with my reclaimed Indigenous name?

If you’ve reclaimed your Indigenous name, you can change the name on your citizenship certificate or card. To do that, apply for a new citizenship certificate. There will be no cost for this change until May 30, 2026.

We no longer give out citizenship cards or the commemorative certificates that came with them. If you apply to update or replace your citizenship card, we will send you a citizenship certificate.

When you apply, include either an eligibility form or a statutory declaration, depending on your situation.

Include an eligibility form [IRM 0004] (PDF, 1.8 MB) if you either

  • amended your birth certificate or
  • obtained a legal change of name document

Include a Statutory Declaration [IRM 0005] (PDF, 1.8 MB) if you

  • are applying for a free replacement certificate and
  • can’t amend your birth certificate or obtain a legal change of name document
    • You’ll also need to include proof that you can’t obtain these documents (for example, a rejection letter from your province or territory).

We’ll use these forms to determine if you’re eligible for a free replacement certificate.

You’ll have to pay the usual fees if

  • you’re applying for your first citizenship certificate
  • you’ve declared your citizenship certificate lost, stolen or damaged

Apply for a citizenship certificate.

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