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What do I do if the school I’m studying at loses its designated learning institution status?

If the learning institution you’re studying at is de-designated while you’re studying there, you can keep studying until your current study permit expires. However, you won’t be able to extend your permit unless you’re enrolled at a designated learning institution (DLI).

If you’ve deferred your enrolment

If you’ve deferred your enrolment and the learning institution that issued your letter of acceptance is de-designated before you start studying, you cannot start studying at that school.

If you’re in Canada with a valid study permit

You’ll need to

  • apply to and be accepted at a new DLI
  • update the information about your learning institution in MyAccount

If your study permit has been approved but not issued yet

We’ll send you a request to provide a new letter of acceptance from a new DLI. If your study permit is approved, you’ll need to update the information about your learning institution in MyAccount.

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