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What is the difference between a single-entry and a multiple-entry visa?

The main difference between these two visa types is that a single-entry visa allows entry to Canada for one-time only and a multiple-entry visa allows entry many times before the expiry date.

Which type of visa to get

You don’t need to choose. We will review your application and issue you a visa depending on your situation.

Multiple-entry visa

While valid, a multiple-entry visa will let you travel to Canada as many times as you want. It will be valid for up to a maximum of 10 years or until the expiry date of either your passport or biometrics, whichever comes first. An officer may set a different expiry date, depending on your circumstances.

You must arrive in Canada on or before the expiry date on your visa.

Single-entry visa

A single entry visa lets you travel to Canada only one time. You may receive a single-entry visa if:

  • you’re eligible for a fee-exemption and the purpose of your entry to Canada is limited (such as, for an official visit by a foreign national);
  • you’re coming for a one-time special event, celebration or tour in Canada;
  • you’re coming for short term studies (less than 6 months) or short term work and don’t need a study or work permit; or
  • there are approved country-specific procedures or guidelines in place.

In most cases, once you have left Canada, you will need a new visa to enter Canada again.

You won’t need a new visa if you’re

  • only travelling to the United States (including its Territories and Possessions) or St. Pierre and Miquelon, and
  • returning directly to Canada.

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