Immigration Matters toolkit
The Immigration Matters initiative aims to show the benefits of immigration at the local, community level.
We are seeing how long-time residents and immigrants work side by side in response to labour shortages and global inflation. In particular, temporary and permanent immigrants are playing a key role in Canada—from taking care of our seniors to putting food on our tables. Canada will continue to attract immigrants who bring the skills our economy needs to grow, while we maintain border security to protect the health and safety of Canadians.
We’re looking for your help to find and amplify stories of immigrants who are making a strong contribution to cities, towns and neighbourhoods across Canada. We would also like your help starting the conversation in the community you know best—your own.
We encourage you to adapt and use the parts of this toolkit you feel are helpful, given the particular circumstances of your community. We’ll update the toolkit with new materials as the initiative unfolds, and we’re always open to your feedback.
On this page
- Welcoming Week
- Background
- Our approach
- Link to our website
- Follow us and share our content on social media
- Share our key messages
- Order our products
- Share your own stories
- Promote your story with media
- Host a community conversation
Welcoming Week

Welcoming Week is an annual opportunity to bring together new and long-time residents to build strong connections. It affirms the importance of welcoming and inclusive places in achieving collective prosperity.
The Welcoming Week toolkit provides shareable content to help you spread messages about inclusion and the benefits of immigration.
Check out the Welcoming Week toolkitBackground
Recognizing the economic, social and cultural benefits of immigration, the Government of Canada sets targets by category for the number of immigrants coming into the country. Immigrants are selected for their economic contribution, their humanitarian needs and to reunite families. This plan for immigration helps to distribute the benefits of immigration throughout Canada.
In the current global context where we see increased polarization of views about immigration, research conducted by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) shows that Canadians continue to be supportive of immigration. In March 2023, 52% of Canadians said that the number of immigrants coming to Canada is about right, and 22% said there are too few immigrants coming to Canada.
The research also shows that while Canadians support immigration at a national level, they are less likely to see the benefits at the local level. The objective of Immigration Matters is to highlight the benefits of immigration in communities across Canada.
Our approach
Immigration Matters combines storytelling and facts to dispel common myths about immigrants and promote positive engagement between Canadians and newcomers. By sharing and promoting stories of communities enriched by immigration, we want to start a conversation about the importance of immigration at the local level.
Why stories? Stories are an effective way to promote connections between people and to share factual information so that it is retained and believed.
What is the focus? The focus is on how immigration is strengthening Canada and helping communities succeed, rather than on how Canada has helped newcomers succeed.
Immigration Matters has ties to a global movement. Canada is one of many countries helping to promote a balanced narrative on migration through the international #ItTakesACommunity campaign, led by the Global Forum on Migration and Development.
Link to our website
The simplest thing you can do is to link to the Immigration Matters home page from your website or social media channels .
Follow us and share our content on social media
You provide a valuable connection to your community. Below are some ways to identify and share content that is relevant to where you live. Sharing is the heart of the initiative and your support will make a difference.
Start by following our social media accounts, where we share content relevant to the initiative and to your community:
Share the content that will resonate with your audience. Choose something they can see themselves in or will take value from. When posting, add your own local insights and build connections for your audience. We encourage you to use the hashtag #ImmigrationMatters and tag IRCC in your post.
Here are examples of social content that might be pertinent to your community. Ideally, you would situate the story or facts in your own local context. We encourage you to share these messages with the people in your network and invite them to join the conversation!

A warm welcome can make a difference to newcomers in our communities. Share stories on social media about how you, your neighbours, friends and colleagues have come together to create spaces of belonging. Find out how you can get involved.
Download Facebook or Instagram image (JPG, 519 KB) Download Twitter or LinkedIn image (JPG, 435 KB) Download ALT text for image (TXT, 1 KB)
Interested in how immigrants are selected, screened and set up for success? Read what the research says about how Canada’s immigration system works for all of us.
Download Facebook or Instagram image (JPG, 1.04 MB) Download Twitter or LinkedIn image (JPG, 887 KB) Download ALT text for image (TXT, 1 KB)
Curious about the benefits of immigration to Canada’s economy? Learn more about how immigrants contribute to different sectors like sports, business and health care.
Download Facebook or Instagram image GIF (GIF, 3.02 MB) Download Twitter or LinkedIn image GIF (GIF, 1.51 MB) Download ALT text for GIF (TXT, 1 KB)
Discover how immigrants are enriching our communities and making a difference in our lives. Check out some of our #ImmigrationMatters stories and share stories with us about any remarkable newcomers in your lives.
Download Facebook or Instagram image (JPG, 546 KB) Download Twitter or LinkedIn image (JPG, 405 KB) Download ALT text for image (TXT, 1 KB)
Want to know more about how immigrants contribute to Canada’s economy? Learn how our immigration system helps keep our economy growing.
Download Facebook or Instagram image (JPG, 756 KB) Download Twitter or LinkedIn image (JPG, 407 KB) Download ALT text for image (TXT, 1 KB)
Immigrants deliver and improve our health and social services. Know any newcomers who have made a difference in your community? Use #ImmigrationMatters to share their story.
Download Facebook or Instagram image (JPG, 550 KB) Download Twitter or LinkedIn image (JPG, 367 KB) Download ALT text for image (TXT, 1 KB)Here are some suggested social media tips:
- Shorter is better: 1 to 5 sentences.
- A direct quote can add interest and a personal touch to the story.
- A candid or action-oriented photo is better than a posed photo.
- Use high-quality photos, videos or infographics that will capture the attention of your audience.
- Build connections and foster engagement with your audience by asking them to comment, share or use hashtags from your original post.
Share our key messages
Here are some suggested messages that you can include in your conversations or social media posts about why immigration matters:
Immigrants contribute to the economy and create jobs for Canadians
- The strength of Canada’s economy is measured in part by the number of people working (labour force) and paying taxes to fund our public services, such as health care.
- Canadians are living longer and having fewer children. More of us are retiring, and there are fewer students in our schools. As a result, the pool of Canadian-born existing and potential workers is limited.
- Thanks to immigration, Canada’s labour force continues to grow by a small amount every year. If it weren’t for immigrants, employers would have trouble finding enough qualified workers to fill available jobs.
- Immigrants contribute to our economy, not only by filling gaps in our labour force and paying taxes, but also by spending money on goods, housing and transportation.
- The income tax paid by working Canadians pays for health care and other supports for retired Canadians. In 1980, there were roughly 6 workers for every retiree. In 2023, there are about 3 workers for every retiree. If Canada stays on its current trajectory, in the next 10 to 15 years it will drop to 2 workers for every retiree.
- Immigration alone cannot solve this challenge, but it can help as we look to keep our economy growing and maintain our commitments to health care, public pensions and other social programs.
- Nearly 65% of recent immigrants are in the core working age group of 25 to 54 years old. Because the median age of non-Canadian citizens living in Canada is 33.6 years old, this group will have plenty of working years in Canada.
- Some employers are already having trouble finding Canadian-born workers to fill jobs.
- More than 6 in 10 immigrants are selected for their positive impact on our economy.
- Immigrant entrepreneurs contribute to economic growth by creating jobs, attracting investment to Canada and driving innovation.
- Many immigrants have excellent science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills, and they make up about half of all STEM degree holders in Canada. These skills are important in our knowledge economy.
- Immigrants can also fill labour market needs by taking on jobs that Canadians are not interested in doing.
- Many immigrants are entrepreneurial. Beyond creating jobs for Canadians, immigrant-owned businesses improve trade ties to Canada.
- Immigrants often have a desire for goods from their home country, which broadens the variety of imports available to all Canadian consumers.
- Immigrants are also able to export more because of their networks in their home countries.
Immigrants deliver and improve our health and social services
- Because many immigrants are young and economically active, they contribute more than they receive in benefits over their lifetime.
- According to the 2021 Census, more than 468,000 immigrants work in health-related occupations.
Immigrants are thoroughly screened and respect our laws
- Canada thoroughly screens immigrants before they arrive to make sure they have not committed serious crimes, don’t pose a security risk and are in good health.
- Immigrants who don’t respect our laws risk losing their immigration status and being removed from Canada.
Immigrants settle in communities across the country
- Although Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver continue to welcome the greatest number of immigrants, an increasing number of recent immigrants are settling outside key urban centres.
- In 1997, less than 10% of economic immigrants settled outside Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec. By 2017, this percentage had grown to almost 40% .
- Immigration in Atlantic Canada has almost tripled, rising from 1.2% in 2006 to 3.5% in 2021, with increases seen in all Atlantic provinces.
Immigrants integrate fully into Canadian society
- Immigrating to Canada is an adjustment at first, but with time, immigrant voting rates, sense of belonging and earnings match those of Canadians.
- As of 2021, nearly 81% of eligible immigrants have Canadian citizenship.
- Everyone between the ages of 18 and 54 at the time they apply for citizenship must take the citizenship test. This test makes sure immigrants know about Canada, its history, and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship.
- Overall immigrant and refugee earnings match the Canadian average about 12 years after arrival. Some economic immigrants (those selected for their Canadian experience or nominated by a province or territory) catch up much more quickly— within their first year here.
- According to the 2016 Census, one-third of immigrants volunteer, and two-thirds are members of social organizations.
Order our products
Contact us to order Immigration Matters buttons or business cards for use at local events. We’ll do our best to accommodate your request, but please be aware that quantities are limited.
Buttons – available in blue, purple , green and pink

Business cards – available in blue and purple, or green and pink

Share your own stories
Below are resources to develop stories on your own. We invite you to share your own stories on social media, in your newsletters and with us! If you post or publish a story, email us. When you uncover and share such success stories, use our hashtag #ImmigrationMatters.
We can then help promote your local stories through our website, our social media channels, and at events, speaking opportunities and panel discussions.
Story guidelines
All stories should clearly show the positive impact of immigration in a community. The focus should be on the community as much as the individual.
This positive impact can have a wide scope and can come from any point in the immigration process, including from first-, second-, third- and fourth- generation immigrants, and onward. One common theme is that perseverance and hard work pay off. An essential part of this initiative is to address the obstacles to integration and show that they’re surmountable.
Showing how people have overcome challenges makes a story more compelling. However, the challenge may not be an obstacle the immigrant faced. For these stories, it will more likely be a challenge the community faced that the immigrant helped overcome. These stories are about how a community was transformed thanks to an immigrant or immigration, so it is important to show the transformation that takes place.
We’re looking for clear and compelling stories that you want told and retold. These stories could be about:
- demonstrable differences made or challenges overcome in a community
- smaller communities outside larger urban centres
- places that have survived or thrived thanks to a particular immigrant or an influx of newer immigrants
- more established communities that were built on immigration
- historic and present-day examples showcasing immigrants’ contributions to communities in a variety of areas:
- entrepreneurship or small business
- arts, culture or music
- health or medicine
- food
- sports
- academia
- charitable or philanthropic activities
- immigrants who create jobs for Canadians, who deliver and improve our social services, including health care, or who help enforce our laws and uphold justice
- immigrants demonstrating their commitment to their community and to Canadian society
Interview tips
- Determine who you want to talk to and what they are likely to say. Aim to interview at least 3 people:
- a community influencer tied to the topic or story (for example, a mayor or a chamber of commerce representative) who can speak credibly to the impact of the immigrant’s contribution
- a community member or citizen who is directly affected by or has benefited from the immigrant’s actions
- the immigrant
- Choose strong characters who will provide compelling stories told with emotion.
- Ask for specific examples and try to get quotes and statements from people who benefited from or were directly affected or influenced by the immigrant.
- For each interview, check that you have the subject’s preferred name, organization and contact information.
- Ensure each interview subject signs a personal release and consent form (DOC, 18 KB) to authorize sharing the story publicly.
- Most people are reluctant to talk to strangers about things that really matter to them, so try to build a relationship with the person you are interviewing.
- Explain what you want and how the interview will fit into the bigger picture of the story you are telling.
- Most people are eager to help. However, remember that you are talking to an individual who may be nervous or unsure about what to say or do.
- Be empathetic, show respect and don’t overreact to any surprising answer.
- Thank each interviewee for taking the time to participate.
Sample interview questions
Community influencer:
- What has the immigrant done to benefit the community?
- How has the community changed or improved as a result?
- What was the community like before they arrived? What was missing?
Community member:
- How did this person influence you?
- What changes have you experienced as a result of their work or presence?
The focus here should be on the values the immigrant shares with Canadians and their reasons for wanting to contribute to the community.
- Why did you choose Canada? What attracted you?
- How did you feel when you learned you were selected to come to Canada?
- What is it about this community that made you want to give back?
Promote your story with media
Media coverage is earned by developing good relationships with the people and organizations who create the content we consume. This means “pitching” a unique or captivating story to bloggers, social media influencers, reporters, editors and producers.
Step 1: Identify your outreach objectives.
- What are you hoping to achieve?
- For example, you want to promote a story about the positive impact of a particular immigrant on your community or region.
Step 2: Research influential content creators in your area.
- In particular, look for those who have covered similar stories or have expressed interest in the subject in the past.
- Gather their contact information (email addresses, phone numbers, social media “handles”).
Step 3: Develop a proposal for a story (or stories) that may be of interest to each content creator, reporter, editor or producer.
- The story proposal is your “pitch”.
- Develop pitches that align with the recipient’s previous work or the interests of their audience.
- Focus on subject matter, geographic location, demographics, and new and interesting topics not previously covered but of interest.
Step 4: Tailor your pitch to each recipient.
- Pitches can be in the form of an email, a direct message on social media or a phone call.
- If applicable, personalize each pitch and reference the recipient’s previous or similar work that aligns with your pitch.
- For example, “You’ve recently written about a Syrian family who settled in Canada, so we think this story may also be of interest to you and your readers (or viewers).”
- Keep your pitch brief but captivating. If it is too long, the recipient will lose interest.
- Always include ways for the recipient to easily access more information.
- For example, hyperlink to press releases, a website, research, similar stories or contact info, which makes their work easier.
- Keep in mind that some may do the story without ever responding to you about the pitch.
Step 5: Pitch the story by email, a direct social media message or a phone call.
- The pitch must clearly reflect the aspect of the story you feel will catch the interest of the listener, reader or viewer. T his is the story’s “angle”.
- If the pitch is made by email , use a unique and captivating subject line and include the recipient’s name
- For example, “Attn: Anne Jones— Immigrant makes significant contribution to economy of Gravelbourg”
- Ensure that emails are sent from professional email accounts to give credibility to the source.
- If contact is made by a direct social media message, make your note short and courteous.
- Direct messages are an entry point, but not the place for the full pitch.
- Ask to continue the conversation over the phone or by email once they have responded.
- If making contact by phone, be courteous and respectful of the person’s time.
- Ask to set up an alternate time to discuss, if needed.
- Offer to send a follow-up email with a summary of the discussion and additional details.
- If there’s no answer, leave a brief message and follow up immediately with an email (that mentions the call).
Step 6: Wait 2 to 3 business days, then follow up with a phone call.
- If a content creator, reporter, editor or producer seems interested but isn’t keen on the angle, be prepared to provide a creative alternative.
- For example, if they’ve already covered a similar topic and aren’t keen to cover it again, offer a different angle or an entirely new topic.
- Use good judgment to assess interest.
- Follow up no more than once or twice and then stop if they don’t respond or if they reply with a clear “no” at any point.
- Remember that it is important to maintain good relationships with media outlets beyond the scope of this project.
Step 7: Work closely with anyone who chooses to cover your story.
- Provide them with any details or contacts they need in a timely manner.
- Assist with setting up interviews, as requested.
- Be responsive!
- Remember that media work to deadlines.
- The decision to run with your story may be made on the day before or even on the same day the media outlet runs it (particularly in the case of television and radio).
- Be prepared to accommodate what may seem like last-minute requests for further information or interviews.
Step 8: Monitor the coverage your story receives and evaluate your efforts.
- Close the loop with reporters, editors and producers, and
- thank them for their time and effort.
- Remember also to thank those who turned down the opportunity, but took the time to respond.
- Keep a record of all the coverage, including notes on the tone of the articles.
- Did the result meet your objective from Step 1?
When dealing with reporters, keep in mind that their job is to report critically. While a media story may be largely positive, there may also be some opposing views because the reporter’s job is to present multiple perspectives on a topic.
Remember that earning media coverage is not easy. It requires strategy, tact and persistence. For every 10 pitches, you may only get 1 positive response— but that coverage can still be very influential.
The more you reach out , the stronger your relationships with content creators, reporters, editors and producers will be, and the easier it will be to get earned media coverage in the future.
Host a community conversation
The Community Conversations Toolkit is designed to help you organize your own community conversation on immigration. It provides guidance and tips on
- engaging with your community online
- planning outreach activities
- templates for presentations
- a post-activity survey
- other strategies for successful engagement
We encourage you to use and adapt the parts of the toolkit that you feel are helpful. We are always open to your feedback.
Download the Community Conversations Toolkit (PDF, 1.6 MB)
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