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Can a lone parent apply for a study permit for a minor child?

Lone parents applying for a minor child’s study permit may need to provide extra documents with the child’s study permit application. 

If you have sole custody of your child

If you are no longer in a relationship with the other parent and have sole custody of your child, we need a document that shows proof of parentage and that proves your decision-making authority.

You must provide

  • the parent or adoptive parent’s signed government-issued identification
  • the child’s birth certificate with the name of the parent(s)
  • if applicable, the court-issued adoption order that has the name of the adoptive parent(s) and
  • any other legal document that confirms the parent-child relationship

You must also provide all documents that refer to the child’s custody, mobility and access. You must provide 1 of the following:

  • the court order
  • another legal document issued by the relevant authorities showing this parent has sole custody
If you have joint custody of your child

If you and your child’s other parent share decision-making authority, both parents must participate in the study permit application.

You must provide

  • a signed consent letter from the non-accompanying parent (certified by a notary)
  • a signed piece of government-issued identification from the non-accompanying parent
  • a document that establishes proof of parentage
    • This must include
      • both parents’ or adoptive parents’ signed, government-issued identification
      • the child’s birth certificate with the names of both parents
      • if applicable, the court-issued adoption order that has the names of both adoptive parents and
      • any other legal document that confirms the parent-child relationship
If you don’t know where the other parent is

If you don’t know where the other parent is and you don’t have sole custody of your child, you must provide

  • a legal document declaring the parent has sole authority of the child
  • the parent or adoptive parent’s signed, government-issued identification
  • the child’s birth certificate with the names of the parent(s)
  • if applicable, the court-issued adoption order that has the name of the adoptive parent(s) and
  • any other legal document that confirms the parent-child relationship
If the other parent is deceased

If the other parent is deceased, you must provide

  • the death certificate of the other parent
  • the parent or adoptive parent’s signed government-issued identification
  • the child’s birth certificate with the names of both parents
  • if applicable, the court-issued adoption order that has the name of both adoptive parents and
  • any other legal document that confirms the parent-child relationship

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