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Pay your Quebec-selected skilled workers fee – Canada

Your fees

We recommend you pay the right of permanent residence fee ($515) now to avoid delays. You will have to pay it before you become a permanent resident.

Fees $CAN

Your application

Processing fee ($950) and right of permanent residence fee ($575)

Your application (without right of permanent residence fee) 950.00

Include your spouse or partner

Processing fee ($950) and right of permanent residence fee ($575)

Include your spouse or partner (without right of permanent residence fee) 950.00
Include a dependent child 260.00(per child)

If you or your family need to give biometrics, pay your biometrics fees at the same time you pay your other fees. Make sure you pay using the same payment method.

Biometrics (if required)
Fees $CAN
Biometrics – per person 85.00

Biometrics – per family (2 or more people)

Maximum fee for a family of 2 or more people applying at the same time and place


How to pay your fees

Before you pay

Keep a copy of your fee receipt for your records.

If you pay the wrong fees or don’t use one of the methods listed below, we will return your application to you without processing it. Once we start processing, we can’t refund your fees.

You’ll have to pay any costs for

  • returning your file
  • overpayments, or
  • any unrelated documents you included with your application by accident.

If we asked you to pay this fee for an application we are processing

  • follow the instructions on the payment request
  • send proof of your payment with a copy of the original request from the office that asked you to pay it

Pay and apply online

When applying online, you can’t pay your fees directly within the application. To pay your fees you’ll need:

When you finish paying

  • save a copy of your payment receipt
  • attach your receipt to your application using the instructions in the application.
Pay my fees online

Note for applicants with dependants: If the province of Quebec received your application for a Certificat de selection du Québec before August 1, 2014, Citizenship and Immigration Canada will assess your dependant using the former definition of a dependent child. Please refer to the “fees subject to a transitional provision” options in the on-line payment tool.


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